
"We thank the organisations and individuals below for their generous support of The Oceania Project and acknowledge the products that serve the work of research, conservation and care of Whales, Dolphins and the Oceans."

Wally and Trish Franklin


International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)

IFAW, Oceania
6 Belmore Street
Surry Hills, Sydney NSW 2010 Australia
Tel:+61 (0) 2 9288 4900
Fax: +61 2 9288 4901

Web: http://www.ifaw.org/australia
Email: info-au@ifaw.org
IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) saves individual animals, animal populations and habitats all over the world. They have projects in more than 40 countries. IFAW provides hands-on assistance to animals in need and advocates saving populations from cruelty and depletion, such as their campaign to end commercial whaling.

Grants from IFAW have supported The Oceania Project's long-term humpback whale research in Hervey Bay and our on-going education and awareness campaign: The Humpback Icon Project

In 2011, Trish and Wally Franklin were recipients of a prestigious IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) Lifetime Dedication Award for their outstanding contribution to whale and dolphin conservation.
LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

LUSH Fresh Handmade cosmetics
LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics.

33-35 Dunning Avenue
Roseberry NSW 2018 Australia
Tel:+61 1300 587 428

Web: https://www.lush.com.au
Email: enquiries@lush.com.au

Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
LUSH, Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
believes in making effective products from fresh organic fruit and vegetables, the finest essential oils and safe synthetics. They invent thier own products and frangances and make them fresh by hand using little or no preservatives or packaging, using only vegitatarian ingredients and they tell you when they were made.

LUSH Charity Pot
The LUSH Charity Pot funding goes to small, grassroots groups that have limited resources and often struggle to find funding. The Oceania Project sincerely thanks LUSH Charity Pot for supporting our ongoing research, conservation and education programs.


Mantra, Hervey Bay
Mantra, Hervey Bay.

Buccaneer Drive
Hervey Bay, QLD 4655 Australia
Reservations: +61 13 15 17
Reception: +61 (07) 4197 8200

Web: Mantra, Urangan Harbour, Hervey Bay
Email: herveybay.res@mantra.com.au
Mantra, Hervey Bay overlooking the famous calm waters where migrating humpback whales frolic with their newborns. Visitors love Mantra during the Hervey Bay whale watching season, plus there are plenty of year-round activities for young and old.

Conviently located in Urangan Harbour, we recommend Mantra, Hervey Bay as the perfect base for your Hervey Bay, Whale Watch experience.

We thank Mantra, Hervey Bay for its sponorship enabling Dr Trish & Dr Wally Franklin to particpate in the Hervey Bay, Whale Festival and for support of The Oceania Project's Annual Whale Research Expeditions. Thank you Mantra, Hervey Bay.

Old Sydney-Holiday Inn

Holiday Inn Old Sydney
Holiday Inn Old sydney

55 George Street,
Sydney NSW Australia 2000
Tel:+61 1800 007 697

Web: Holiday Inn Old Sydney
Email: holidayinnoldsydney@ihg.com
Holiday Inn Old Sydney is perfectly located for the best of Sydney's attractions, Holiday Inn Old Sydney effortlessly combines new and old world charm right in the historic Rocks district. The Rocks is a uniquely historical Australian quarter, where you can eat in restaurants located in some of the oldest surviving buildings in Sydney.

We chose to stay with Holiday Inn Old Sydney for the arrival of the Re-enactment Fleet in 1988 and have subsequently stayed at Holiday Inn Old Sydney on important occasions for The Oceania Project in Sydney. We sincerely thank Holiday Inn Old Sydney for sponsorship support of The Oceania Project.



Tokyo, Japan
Tel: 0011 03 3564 2662
Fax: 0011 03 3564 2566
Web: http://www.icerc.org
Email: info@icerc.org
ICERC Japan (International Cetacean Education Research Centre) is a grass roots environmental organisations located in Tokyo and dedicated to the conservation and preservation of Cetacea. ICERC assist cetacean research projects through their 'Dolphin, Whale & Human Fund' which is supported by Casio Computers G-SHOCK and Baby-G watches.

The Oceania Project has been a recipient of grants from the ICERC fund in 2001 & 2004. The 2001 grant enabled us to upgrade the photo-identification workstation and the 2004 grant was used to acquire a Canon EOS 10D digital camera for the on-going humpback photo-identification work in Hervey Bay. The Oceania Project thanks ICERC Staff and Members and CASIO for the support of our research program.


Canon Australia Pty. Ltd.
Building A, The Park Estate
5 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
Tel: 13 13 83
Canon is a name synonymous with quality professional and consumer photographic equipment. Trish's camera of choice for the long term Photo identification survey of the Humpback Whales in Hervey Bay is a Canon EOS 1000F with a 100-300 and a 35-80 zoom lens. She has to stand on a moving vessel for hours at a time each day, over a three month period, to obtain the 5000 35mm images of the Humpbacks needed each season for The Oceania Research Project. The lightweight, versatility, durability and reliability of the Canon EOS 1000F has proven it to be an essential tool for the work in Hervey Bay. Thank you Canon Australia.

Apple Computer Australia
PO Box A2629
Sydney South NSW 1235
Tel: 133622
Apple Store Australia
Apple Store Australia
Apple Technology and Software is enabling The Oceania Project to undertake a unique long term study of the Humpbacks Whales in Hervey Bay and to share the energy of the Whales and Dolphins with the global community.

The combination of the unique graphics capability and outstanding computing power of Macintosh with the powerful Mac OS X and its ease of Internet access permits The Oceania Project to raise awareness of Whales and Dolphins in a way that would not have been possible in Pre-Mac times! Thank you for being Apple, Apple.

We use an iMac system for digital humpback whale research, management of photography and research data; a MacBook Pro for multi-media publishing and education programs: a MacBook Air for web authoring, maintenance and management of the websites, accounting and general administration. We also use an iPhone for communications and mobile administration of finances


Tasco logo
Tasco Sales
(Australia) Pty Ltd

Unit 6, Winbourne Estate,
9-13 Winbourne Road, Brookvale
N.S.W Australia 2100
Ph: (02) 9938 3244
Tasco is the World's largest consumer optical company and has a large range of quality binoculars .

Trish chose a pair of Tasco Offshore 7 X 50 binoculars for close in Humpback identification work, while our Research Assistants and Expedition participants use the robust Tasco Waterproof Rubber Armoured 7 X 50 binoculars. Thank you Tasco.


Netregistry Hosting Services Netregistry is our host of choice for The Oceania Project and iWhales.org websites.

They offer a comprehensive range of web hosting options, E-commerce solutions and digital domain services



Canon Australia Pty. Ltd.
Building A, The Park Estate
5 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Australia
Tel: 13 13 83

For information about
Canon Compact Digital Cameras
click the Camera below.
Canon Compact Digital Cameras
Our camera of choice for cameo photographs used in the Expedition Journal is a Canon Compact Digital Camera

Canon Compact Digital Cameras are versatile and convenient. Pictures taken during the day are downloaded directly onto the MacIntosh Titanium Powerbook, so everyone can see how they turned out and how they will look online.

The photograph of Manya King (Right) - our youngest Expedition participant in 1996 - was taken inside the Expedition vessel in very low light conditions.

Visit the Expedition Journal and share the experience.

Manya King
(Click photo to enlarge).


The Oceania Project PO Box 646 Byron Bay NSW 2481 Australia
Mobile: 0418 797 326
Email: trish.wally@oceania.org.au

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